Cricket teams gear up Computer Point T-20

THE annual Computer Point T-20 is back and local teams have begun serious training for the tournament that will run for six to eight weeks starting February 25.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

THE annual Computer Point T-20 is back and local teams have begun serious training for the tournament that will run for six to eight weeks starting February 25.According to Stephen Musaale, the treasurer of the Rwanda Cricket Association, the nitty-gritty of the sponsorship deal will be finalised soon."They (Computer Point) have agreed to bankroll the tourney and we are now finalizing a few details,” Musaale said in a phone interview yesterday. The tournament was not held last year due to many engagements by the national team. Meanwhile, the Annual General Assembly that was supposed to take place last week, was postponed to a later unconfirmed date due to lack of Quorum.