Burera Mayor calls for unity against Genocide ideology

NORTHERN PROVINCE In Burera district, the 14th commemoration of the Genocide came to an end with a call on residents to ‘fight forces of evil’ and divisions in the country.

Monday, April 14, 2008


In Burera district, the 14th commemoration of the Genocide came to an end with a call on residents to ‘fight forces of evil’ and divisions in the country.

Addressing mourners who turned up for the ceremony in Rugarama Sector, on Sunday, the Mayor, Aime Bosenibamwe urged residents to join hands in the fight against what he called forces of evil.

"Much as the Genocide memorial week is over, we should carry on the memory of our beloved ones. We should feel the plight of the survivors and the orphans we are obliged to cater for,’’ Bosenibamwe said.

He reaffirmed the district commitment to complete the construction of the houses of the genocide survivors.

During the ceremony, scores of traumatised survivors broke down at several intervals. And residents shed tears after listening to a series of testimonies from Genocide survivors. Bety Muhimpundu, one the survivors said she spent three weeks hiding on the banks of Lake Burera to hide from the killers.

Maj. Jumba Gakumba, the area Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) commander warned residents that still habour Genocide ideology, saying they may never have room to practise it.
