Switch from TV to books

Watching TV is more interesting than reading books of course. In my primary school days, I too didn’t know anything about reading books and would just fall asleep whenever I tried to gaze at a book.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Children need to spend less time watching TV. Net photo.

Watching TV is more interesting than reading books of course. In my primary school days, I too didn’t know anything about reading books and would just fall asleep whenever I tried to gaze at a book. For a kid who is back at school, prep time seems impossible because they are exhausted from the whole day’s activities.During holidays, when the rest of the family is watching a catchy TV show next room, only a few kids resist the temptation. Some children are addicted to video games, and the first thing they do when they get home, is switch on the telly and sit in the sofa playing video games, before even changing out of their uniforms. Well, much as books might look dull, the secret in making them interesting is acknowledging how important they can be. At this point, revising has no alternative, because a kid who wants to excel must read to pass exams so that their chances of a better future are greater.If you have a week to start your exams, for example, and you have not yet read, the only way to pass is to assume that there is no TV. Try doing some revision instead. People always have limited time, and the only way to use it well is by choosing what is most important, than doing it fast. Much as TV is more attractive, books are the future and should come first.  TV has some negative effects, like content that might be bad for a child for example, violence and drugs; yet books are just about getting more knowledge that is positive. For a kid who is not good at reading but is tired of doing homework and being punished for underperformance; the only way to get familiar with your books is by taking heed of the good side of revising and getting the determination to put books first.