Love your friends always

Friends have always been a part of everyone’s life. From the time children start to speak, they become friends with the people they spend a lot of time with. Children continue to make friends as they grow into older people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friends have always been a part of everyone’s life. From the time children start to speak, they become friends with the people they spend a lot of time with. Children continue to make friends as they grow into older people.This means that friendship is a very important part of everybody’s life. Friends are people we laugh with, talk to and play with when we are happy. Also real friends are people who will still talk to us and comfort us when we feel sad. This means that at all times, friends help one another. Even though this is so true, children need to learn how to choose good friends and love them. Some friends are not good. Friends who are not good are those who influence us in a negative way. Sometimes they force you to do things that are not right and make get into trouble. These friends are under the influence of bad peer pressure. They do a lot of bad things to get attention. In the process they end up hurting other children by bullying them. This is not good at all. Children should learn to love each other and those around them. I encourage all children to be wise when you choose your friends. When you do; love them and treat them the way you would like them to treat and love you back. Then the love you share will keep your friendship strong for a very long time.