The Facebook lunacy

Are you a social network freak (Facebook especially)? If you want to belong to any trendy clique in any uptown school or other academic institution, signing up to Facebook is the access code. If you are not into it, you risk being dubbed “crude” thereby becoming a social misfit in that fraternity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Facebook can get addictive if its use is not controlled.

Are you a social network freak (Facebook especially)? If you want to belong to any trendy clique in any uptown school or other academic institution, signing up to Facebook is the access code. If you are not into it, you risk being dubbed "crude” thereby becoming a social misfit in that fraternity.This social media revolution has swept everyone off their feet so much that it is not startling to find a person "Face booking” in class while a lecture is going on, or in church in the middle of a sermon.I thought that this craze only gripped a particular age range until I met a little friend, Arnold, an eight-year-old, who boasts of a Facebook account with over 600 friends. He is usually at it on his dad’s PC or internet enabled mobile phone updating his status every 30 minutes, chatting, poking or doing something of a similar kind.Arnold is the type who logs out of his Facebook page then after switching off the PC, immediately turns to "Face booking” on the phone. "Face booking” just like any other addiction has the power to hold its victim’s hostage. "I just can’t do without it, it’s my companion. Many times I find myself logging into my account unconsciously,” the eight-year-old confesses. Arnold is not alone. Many people have caught the disease, adults inclusive. Some Facebook maniacs argue that it’s a healthy form of leisure unlike smoking, drinking or doing drugs where one has to spend a lot of money, or get adverse health effects as a result. According to them, it is among the best leisure alternative.Facebook being a fast, effective and dynamic social networking site is the reason it is a darling to many. Through it, people are able to seek first-rate communication, socialization, relaxation and amusement; this is precisely what keeps many people glued to it. Facebook, however, has a good share of adverse effects. Facebook has been responsible for some broken relationships. When someone posts something malicious or dubious on your wall, then this notion will make more sense to you. Bosco, a friend, was dumped by his girlfriend after a post on his wall by a jilted lover claiming their affair was still very much active, upset her (the new girlfriend) and immediately called it quits. Facebook is also a haven of all sorts of mischief if you did not know. I have heard that some people are faithful on their walls but mega cheats in their inbox. So watch out lest it destroys your own relationship too. Many have been sacked from their jobs after employers discovered that some people frequently divert from work to log into their Facebook accounts and in the process waste a lot of time. I think it’s the reason some employers have resorted to blocking this network from office PCs because they are aware of the threat it can pose.Is there any wonder why Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder is super rich? When everybody (even toddlers) is scrambling to subscribe to your enterprise, it comes as no shock. Facebook is estimated to have over 500million fans with a net worth of over$ 17.5 billion.