Handling criticism is a sign of maturity

Criticism is people tell us what they think about our shortcomings especially when we behave unusually. We need to understand that criticism is about our actions but not about us as people.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Criticism helps people make better choices. Net photo

Criticism is people tell us what they think about our shortcomings especially when we behave unusually. We need to understand that criticism is about our actions but not about us as people.Teenagers especially take criticism with anger and violence, as they feel disrespected. They tend to hate their friends and other people in general who criticize their actions. They do not realize that it is one way to help them avoid making the same mistake.    If teenagers could learn to handle criticism well, they would grow stronger and improve in areas where they need improvement. It means that people actually care about you. Always ask for people’s opinions for they will help you set a strong foot towards progress. Analyse each opinion, reflect on it and use it to make yourself better.There is always a lesson to learn. Surrender to the ‘rhythm of life’, accept criticism and do not fight it. Commit to the process of constant learning and change, be flexible enough to adapt from what you may be accustomed to, because being rigid will deny you the freedom of new possibilities. My fellow teens learn to handle criticism positively because it is only done out of love and concern for your well-being. It’s only through accepting criticism that you will be the master of your life hence having a joyful and meaningful life.