To you, my love!

Two years back, on this day, Bob and Crystal were together. It was her birthday and just two days later was Bob’s birthday too. Over the last few years, they have been celebrating their birthdays together. They had opted for indoors and had a beautiful candlelit homemade dinner.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Love conquers all. Net photo

Two years back, on this day, Bob and Crystal were together. It was her birthday and just two days later was Bob’s birthday too. Over the last few years, they have been celebrating their birthdays together. They had opted for indoors and had a beautiful candlelit homemade dinner.Sadly, today, Bob is all alone. He just returned from the hospital and is tired and exhausted as he lies on the couch of his living room. He tries to dose off, but thoughts keep popping up. They had loved each other so much; in fact, he still loves her. However, he is not destined to get married to her.

He has aspirations that are more important and he never blamed Crystal for leaving him. On the contrary, he is very happy for her. A friend of his told him that Crystal was getting married by the end of the year. The boy is an architect. As kids, Crystal and Bob were neighbours. Although Bob was three years older than Crystal, they were friends. They had never proposed to each other but their families knew about their unfathomable love. Nothing could go wrong between the two, and nothing actually ever did.

Crystal, after completing her engineering course got a job in an IT firm of an NGO. She longed for the day when Bob would finish his medical studies. After the completion of internship at CHUK, it dawned on him that he could be of use in rural villages.

The plight of villagers suffering and dying because there were not enough doctors in rural areas, brought tears to his eyes. He decided to give up all his riches and the luxuries of urban life for these poor souls. He was sure his parents would understand, and they did.However, telling Crystal the news was pure agony. She cried, shouted, and yelled, but nothing could make Bob change his mind. He did not want her to come with him either.

Why should she sacrifice all for him and get nothing? Two years have passed since then. After remembering all the nostalgia…he doses off.The next day he awakes to rural fresh air and the chirping of birds. Suddenly the previous nights’ thoughts make him sad. Then he remembered the reason for being here; he loved the village, its people and their innocence. He loved it when he healed and cured them. It was a transcendental happiness.After getting ready, he arrives at the small two-roomed hospital. There is a clamor everywhere. The only nurse in the hospital is carrying a tiny baby in her arm.

As Bob approaches the nurse, he is taken aback. An infant that is barely a week old was left at the doorstep of the hospital. The moment Bob takes the baby in his arm, she smiles. The moment is divine. Bob gives her a kiss on the forehead and whispers, "You are my Crystal.”To be continued...