Cain and Abel

Cain’s killing his brother Abel is the first recorded murder in history and we all know this, but what is notable about this crime is the circumstances under which Cain killed his brother.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cain’s killing his brother Abel is the first recorded murder in history and we all know this, but what is notable about this crime is the circumstances under which Cain killed his brother.

Eve gives birth first to Cain; later she gives birth to a second son, Abel. Abel became a shepherd and Cain became a farmer. Cain brought an offering to God from the fruit of his harvest and Abel brought from his first-born sheep.

God accepted the offering of Abel, but not that of Cain. Cain was upset and God spoke to him explaining that his sin waits for him unless he repents.

The next thing that happens is that Cain meets his brother in the field and kills him. Now how are we supposed to accept that story as it is written? If we think about it just a moment, we discover the following lack:

First what were the grounds for Cain’s killing of his brother Abel? Was he in competition with him to see whose sacrifice would be accepted?

If this is the case, what was the motivation in Cain’s mind that he should kill his brother? His brother’s sacrifice did not make his sacrifice better or worse.

If we were to examine the minds of Cain and Abel and their motive for bringing their offerings we might be surprised.

The teachers tell us that Cain brought substandard products, while Abel brought from his best.

Since Cain did not have the rich mind to understand what type of offering he should bring to God, We could imagine that Cain felt it was not important to give God the best quality of the offering.

Cain and Abel sacrificed tangible offerings but as for the little children like you God requires only our heats into Him in order to have eternal life. Read the whole story in Genesis 4:1-15
