FIFA players` agent exam set for March 29

The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) players’ agent examination will be held in Kigali on March 29, Rwanda Football Federation confirmed at the weekend.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) players’ agent examination will be held in Kigali on March 29, Rwanda Football Federation confirmed at the weekend.According to Ferwafa’s website, the examination will be held at 10:00am at the soccer governing body’s offices in Remera.Materials for the examination will include both international and local. The examination will be comprised of 20 questions, 15 international and five local with each question valuing one mark.The examination which is free of charge to anyone will take not more than 90 minutes."The exams will comprise 20 questions, among them 15 from FIFA on international football rules and regulations, while five others will test candidates know how on rules governing the local soccer body,” said the communication.After the registration, candidates will be highlighted with examination logistics as well as areas of concentration.Ferwafa conducted such examination in September last year whereby only two candidates applied and sat for the exam. Rwanda has one player’s agent, Jean Pierre Muhombo recognized by FIFA.