How you could celebrate this year’s Valentine’s Day

As we look forward to celebrating the most celebrated day of the year second to Christmas, one may wonder what really Valentine’s Day is all about. Well, this is a day that is observed on the 14th day of February of every other year in honour of a Christian martyr named valentine.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

As we look forward to celebrating the most celebrated day of the year second to Christmas, one may wonder what really Valentine’s Day is all about. Well, this is a day that is observed on the 14th day of February of every other year in honour of a Christian martyr named valentine.However, traditionally this is a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionaries, sending greeting cards known as valentine’s cards among others.Valentine’s Day first got associated to romantic love by Geoffrey Chaucer in the high middle age when the tradition of courtly love flourished. It happens to be the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas celebrated in almost the whole world. Who then could be your valentine on this day? You could  have your mother, father, sister, a friend ,workmate ,your lover  to be the valentine of  that special day, but being a day mainly for lovers, your partner could be the best valentine to celebrate with this day. How then would you love to celebrate this day with your loved one ,where would you celebrate it from, and what gifts would you give to your partner could remain a puzzle to you. Well, there is no need to worry. Here is how you could make it a special and more memorable day for the two of you.How about spending some quality time with your loved one at your own home? Keep it indoors just for the two of you. You could organize like a special breakfast for your loved one ,do some balloon goodies  where you insert some candy surprises ,add some folded-up valentine’s messages then inflate the balloons, tie them  with a red ribbon and attach them  to your loved one’s chair for them to find on valentine’s morning. What a nice surprise it would be for that special someone.You could also organize a special dinner at home. Still indoors but making your day special and memorable for the two of you. This could be a candle light dinner, with a special champagne, some nice romantic music, you could watch some romantic movies just the two of you. You could also take it outdoors but still at your home, do some bonfire believe me this would be the most unique and special day for you and your loved one.Still, you could choose to take it out away from your home, say you go to a restaurant or a hotel for a special dinner "candle light”, with some romantic music.You could go and watch a movie still.How about taking a trip far away from home .away from family issues .Just the two of you .You could go shopping, take a walk .this could be like a second honeymoon for the two of you and surely this would be a very special and memorable day for the two of you.Beach fan also would not do the both of you any harm. You could go swimming, sunbathing, eat special food together, do some fishing, taking pictures just the two of you.You could also try out organizing a picnic for the two of you .Organize some games that you would play, putting a fireplace, enjoying some music, tell stories, help each other in different tasks to make your day a unique one.If you do not have a partner, no need to worry too. You could also still make this eventful day special to you and memorable. You could go out for a spa, for a bubble bath, take along drive alone and enjoy the scenery, could watch a movie, or even listen to some romantic music at home.Having known where you could tryout spending your valentine’s day and making it special and memorable, what then would you choose as a special gift for your loved one?Since this day is a special day for lovers, why not try out something special for your loved one. You can make a special card for your partner, use own words to describe the person you are giving it to. This would give more meaning to the day.Try out creating a special poem for your loved one or writing a note of appreciation to the person you love. Am sure this will make that person feel so special to you and feel so loved.You could think of some candy chocolates and sweets. For young lovers, you could buy a small box of sugary hearts sweets with little saying  and surely your lover will really feel so special.Give out red roses which are mainly exchanged by couples. Red is a strong colour in love and surely everyone would love to wake up one day with a bouquet of red roses besides them.Buy some candy lingerie for your loved one on this Valentines Day. This could be a special gift that your lover could keep as a remembrance of the good times you share.With that my dear friends now you can enjoy your valentine’s day and even keep it special and memorable.