Beauty: The art of grooming in ladies

Every woman, young or old, wants to always look beautiful. While it is important to stay healthy, it is equally important for every woman to stay young and beautiful at all times.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Every woman, young or old, wants to always look beautiful. While it is important to stay healthy, it is equally important for every woman to stay young and beautiful at all times. All this does not come by itself; a little effort in self grooming is what will make that man that you have been eyeing put a ring on your finger or they one that you have long for your presence! Cleanse, tone and moisturiseIt is very important for every woman from the age of 25 to cleanse, tone and moisturise at least twice a day. A great skin begins with daily cleansing. Cleansing your skin every morning and night to remove dirt, bacteria and excess oil is very important; this process is followed by toning then moisturising. Using well known products like L’Oreal, Oriflame and Bruno Vassari is very important because cheap products will only spoil your skin leaving you looking older than your actual age. A well taken care of skin glows 24/7! Applying make-upMake-up is an art. It analyses the face and body structure of a person to come up with a perfect and pleasing image. Not every woman is a fan of make-up, but sometimes a little touch up is required. The art of applying make requires some effort as well. For example day and night have different colour tones; day make up is supposed to be light and classy, while night make up can be quite screaming and sassy, depending on how daring the lady is. Nail groomingThere is nothing that makes a woman look dirty like broken and chipped nails. If you cannot maintain long manicured nails, it is better to keep them short and clean. I used to love long manicured nails until babies came into my life – from then on I decided short clean nails would do for me. I am a hands-on person, so I like doing most things myself like washing, doing dishes and cooking even though I have house helps, so short nails were the only way to go for me. Whether you have decided to have acrylics or short nails, make sure that they are clean and manicured at all times. Nails speak a lot about a person.Maintaining clean arm pitsIt is very embarrassing to see a woman wearing a short sleeved blouse with bushy under armpits; make sure you shave at least once every week to keep clean and fresh armpits. Deodorants should always be used to keep the armpits away from being sweaty, and also invest in a sweet smelling perfume that matches your personality. This, ladies, is a must do for us.Clean hairMy brother is the first man who taught me that men always tend to smell ladies hair when near them. Whether it’s your natural hair, a wig or an extension, hair needs to be cleaned at least once a week ladies. Men are easily put off with smelly and dirty looking oily hair.Clean feet Smelly feet are a put off, and more embarrassing when the smelly feet belong to a lady. Cleaning and keeping the feet as dry as possible is the secret to having non-smelly feet. Sometimes shoes are a major contributing factor in making one’s feet to smell; buying the right shoes made of genuine leather or applying some medicated feet powder can also help a great deal. Ladies, it is very important to put a little effort in looking your best. Men are visual creatures and love to look at beautiful things, so if you don’t want your man to have a roving eye, time to invest a little effort in self grooming.