Regional Police cooperation will help curb crime

This week, regional police chiefs met in Kigali to discuss effective ways of combating crime.

Friday, February 10, 2012

This week, regional police chiefs met in Kigali to discuss effective ways of combating crime. Even on the global platform, countries have sought allies in the fight against terrorism. And, working together has not only helped minimize the threats, but has also helped avert potential attacks.There is also tendency for people to commit crimes in one country and flee to another. It is only when countries work together and share information that this trend can be brought to an end. To achieve this, regional countries need to put resources together so that they can ably investigate and track down criminals wherever they may be. Furthermore, with globalization and integration, movement of people has been made easier. This comes with a price, including cross border crime. Terrorism, human and drug trafficking, has become more rampant as countries open up their borders. And, with advancement in technology one can commit crimes from any part of the world. However, with close Police cooperation, regional countries can deal with the various security threats and crimes more efficiently. Maintaining stability and crimes prevention needs partnerships among security organs. 
