Local leaders’ vehicles ease service delivery

Bugesera/Kayonza-Vehicles recently provided to sector Executive Secretaries have eased their communication, hence improving service delivery to the people.

Friday, February 10, 2012
Some of the vehicles provided on credit to sector executive secretaries.

Bugesera/Kayonza-Vehicles recently provided to sector Executive Secretaries have eased their communication, hence improving service delivery to the people.This was disclosed by the Mayor of Bugesera District, Louis Rwagaju, during an interview yesterday.The government spent up to Rwf 8 million on each vehicle, which the Executive Secretaries will reimburse in monthly instalments within five years."Few officials have so far received the vehicles, others will be getting them soon. There is no doubt that service to people will be improved. They relied on motorcycles which they couldn’t use when it rained,” he observed."A vehicle carries more people, thus allowing grassroots leaders to work as a team. Performance contracts will be realised as supervision will increase.”