Jacque’s vibes:Be my Valentine?

Now that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, one is probably thinking of how they can make this day memorable and with whom.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Now that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, one is probably thinking of how they can make this day memorable and with whom.The most popular question ‘will you be my valentine’ goes on year after year. But have you ever given a thought as to what that question actually means? I think that Valentine’s Day is that special day when we show our true feelings to the people we like and love. So that means that the question can be posed to anyone who isn’t necessarily a spouse.‘Be my valentine’, simply means one would like to share the love of Valentine’s Day with you. It is a simple request which needs a simple response, yes or no.There is this misunderstanding that Valentine’s Day is only for people in relationships hence leaving it for those with partners.  It’s kind of like those partners who wait for Feb 14th to express their love. That is so not in order.People in relationships should make everyday a Valentine’s Day. Why wait for one day to show someone some love? A relationship is like a garden that needs to be taken good care of in order to flourish.  If it waits for this particular day to be watered, then the consequences will be really bad and it will never bear the fruits of love that one desires.After a tough argument about Valentine’s Day with my girlfriends, I concluded, by saying we shouldn’t limit the extent of our love to Feb 14th.  We can show love, care and concern to someone any day. Love should not be felt once a year, but rather every other day.Also, Valentine’s Day should not only be limited to those who have found love. It should also be a day to spread the love to people who never seem to have the slightest idea about what it means to love. Therefore, one can choose to have a valentine who is in a sorry state, so that they have the feel of how it is to be loved. There are people who have lost hope in being loved yet we all deserve to be loved.Be a blessing this time round and put a smile on an orphan, needy or abandonee’s face this Valentine’s Day. Let one of those needy and vulnerable people be your Valentine come Tuesday - It’s just a thought.Happy Valentine’s Day.