Society Debate:It’s not just relevant, it is special

At first I though that since I’m the guy here, Rachel would be dying to debate this side of the coin but boy was I surprised! She so desperately wanted to scoff at Valentine’s Day that she left me acutely eager to find out where she will be and what she will do on d-day.

Friday, February 10, 2012
Ivan Mugisha

At first I though that since I’m the guy here, Rachel would be dying to debate this side of the coin but boy was I surprised! She so desperately wanted to scoff at Valentine’s Day that she left me acutely eager to find out where she will be and what she will do on d-day.Considering the fact that I have always regarded Rachel as one of the most romantic people I know, I’m now left stunned, cornered and bewildered by an echoing question inside my head: Where have all the hopelessly romantic girls gone?Saint Valentine’s Day, shortened to Valentine’s Day, is an international holiday on which lovers express their love for each other; some choose to present flowers and gifts, others choose to have a party of two. The relevance of this day is that lovers get a chance to reminiscence about their love, how they met each other and more.Questioning the relevance of Valentine’s Day is as oblivious as questioning the relevance of a birthday. Just like a birthday party brings friends together in celebration of one of them, a Valentine’s Day dinner brings lovebirds together in celebration of their love.Two lovers know their responsibilities even before Val’s day comes; it is not as if a couple is cold-hearted throughout the year until Val’s day. A sensible man knows the importance of showing constant love to his woman, and the use of Valentine’s Day is like icing on the cake.The more affection two lovers express to each other throughout the year, the sweeter Val’s day will be for them. If there is a non-caring woman who is hoping to hijack her man’s emotions on Val’s Day after mistreating him for months, she might be in for a rude awakening!We celebrate Valentine’s because we love, a feeling like non other, the greatest. Although it seems that the day is meant for lovers, there is no written rule as to whom an individual might bestow their love. There are lots of single people out there whom I pray for, so that for the sake of St. Valentine, are not left gaping and salivating as romantics pass by.The real Valentine’s Day, at least according to the little history I know, was celebrated by Christians in honor of one of the saints.Since its origin, the day has nothing to do with intimate love but rather, with the love and adoration for someone you share specific values. I suggest that a single person looks out for a relative, a parent, a friend with whom they can share alight moment and a meal.Back to the point, this special day can also be used as a starting moment to rekindle a failing relationship. If a couple have tried to make it but see very many differences and think that they are about to breakup, Valentine’s Day can be their last playing card.It can be monumental in reminding them about what they will miss when they decide to breakup and instantly give them thousand of reasons why they should still stick together.As I conclude, let me remind all that love doesn’t stop on Valentine’s Day, continue to love.Happy Valentine’s Day.