Waiting forever for true love

First of all what is true love? I ask because the question of whether true love really exists cannot be answered without first clarifying what true love really is. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t the faintest idea; so, I will consider it a personal favor if anybody who actually knows, filled me in.

Friday, February 10, 2012
Love engulfs all the flaws in a partners life. Net photo

First of all what is true love? I ask because the question of whether true love really exists cannot be answered without first clarifying what true love really is. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t the faintest idea; so, I will consider it a personal favor if anybody who actually knows, filled me in. The image that comes to mind for most people when someone mentions true love is of two inspired individuals, fatefully drawn to each other and ready to risk their lives for the other person’s sake for example, Romeo and Juliet. The question is, how many Romeo’s and Juliet’s do we have in the world right about now? Your guess is as good as mine.Personally, I have never witnessed such a pure and perfect relationship in real life. Yes I know I don’t have to witness it for it be real but a brief testimony from someone who has might be of help. People (women especially) sit around waiting for their true love to come and sweep them off their feet and I’m afraid for them because true love is tricky and for some reason it does not want to be found. Well – at least the Romeo and Juliet kind of love doesn’t!I don’t know if it is the fairytales that are to blame for our misguided idea on what true love is about but what I do know is that if we (women) do not snap out of it real soon, guaranteed we will be bitter even in the after life! The thing is, love is not difficult to find at all, it is this ‘true love’ business that is. If what you have is a person who understands you and would rather risk annoying you than letting you go the wrong way, then that’s love. I f that person is willing is to make a compromise for the well being of both parties, then that’s love. If that person considers you in almost everything they do because it means being a part of them, then that’s love. We are so engrossed in finding what is—I believe—un-findable, that good things are passing us by. We want the good looking, rich, well mannered, well educated and well travelled, super dad/hubby etc, who has all the qualities a normal human being does not have and we still hope that his love is so strong, that only God can tear it apart and probably even He wouldn’t dare! In my humble opinion, true love is a myth. Love however, is real.  Love a person with all their flaws and believe everyday that they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Do not sit there thinking about how Cinderella got the whole package because first of all, even she didn’t have it easy for a while and secondly, you are not Cinderella. Waiting for true love is a waste of time. Grab what you get and make the most of it. It might not look like true love to you but it might also be the closest you ever get to true love! I’m just saying.