Valentine’s Day; what nonsense!

Some say Valentine’s is a special day for lovers and friends, while others respect it because of its connection to the church and its historic significance….; I say Valentine’s is total nonsense. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Some say Valentine’s is a special day for lovers and friends, while others respect it because of its connection to the church and its historic significance….; I say Valentine’s is total nonsense.  According to the ancient Roman history, Saint Valentine was martyred for "playing justice” by secretly marrying soldiers yet Emperor Claudius II had given orders restricting soldiers from getting married while still serving the Army. In 496 A.D, Pope Gelasius I declared Feb. 14 as Valentine’s Day.The mixed stories and meaningsThere is another version in history of the period when men hit women in what they called the drunken celebratory, 13th to 15th February, to become fertile.They slaughtered dogs and goats while the women lined up, to be hit. They chose 14th February for the rituals commemoration that was dominated by pagans. Shakespeare, in his art, gave the day a more romantic appeal, through his writings, for candies and cupids. The day, which was first commemorated in honor of a martyr, has gradually become a party day- filled with alcohol and late nights out. Just a businessman’s dayAccording to market research firm IBIS World, Valentine’s Day sales reached 17.6 billion dollars last year, and this year’s sales are expected to total 18.6 billion dollars.Traders in gifts and flowers, hotel and bar owners love Valentine’s Day because couples irresistibly spend on February 14th. Much as it is an opportunity for the seller, it is a disgrace to me, the buyer, because I am forced to spend half of my salary for the sake of romance.The cultureWhere did the black, red and white come from? I hate it when I see every one in red and black on the 14th, yet none can explain why it isn’t yellow or blue! Helen Fisher, a sociologist at Rutgers University, believes we have only ourselves to blame for the Valentine’s Day saga. This is not part of the Rwandan culture by the way. It is just utter nonsense to get decorated with certain colors, lining up in gifts shops and just celebrate. What is there to celebrate?