Good governance, aid effectiveness critical in fight against poverty
Editor, This letter is in reference to your lead story in The New Times, February, 7, titled “Poverty down by 12 %- Survey”. For the most part, poverty reduction hinges on good governance zero tolerance to corruption and effective use of aid put into practice by the Rwandan leadership.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Editor,This letter is in reference to your lead story in The New Times, February, 7, titled "Poverty down by 12 %- Survey”. For the most part, poverty reduction hinges on good governance zero tolerance to corruption and effective use of aid put into practice by the Rwandan leadership.Yukiko Omura, Vice President, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) recently announced that all projects his organisation supported in Rwanda were appropriately managed. Several other donor agencies have also stated that once aid is properly utilised, it would lead to poverty reduction and improve the lives of ordinary Rwandans. Martin KayumbaNyamata