District officials begin study tour

Directors of good governance in all districts and Kigali City have embarked on a four-day study tour of various districts to learn best practices that they can emulate.

Thursday, February 09, 2012
Hope Tumukunde, the vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs in Kigali City. The New Times / File.

Directors of good governance in all districts and Kigali City have embarked on a four-day study tour of various districts to learn best practices that they can emulate.The tour is organised by the Rwandese Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA).During their tour of the City of Kigali, yesterday, they met with Hope Tumukunde Gasatura, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, and her counterpart in charge of good governance, Vestine Mukeshimana.Mukeshimana highlighted some plans the City hopes to implement, including the ‘Talk to the Mayor’ programme."We hope to start a talk-show soon where citizens will have a chance to ask the Mayor any question they have,” Mukeshimana noted.She added that other leaders can also take part in the show that will let the public air their views as well.Mukeshimana further revealed that Kigali City also envisages the creation of a Youth Career Centre, particularly targeting unemployed youth, to enable them get training and any career related information.Tumukunde noted that there should be operational transit centres in all sectors to curb the problem of street children.She however stated that customer care and service delivery at local government offices was still a challenge.Josephine Uwimana, the official in charge of Capacity Building at RALGA, said that the team would also tour Gasabo and Rulindo and Nyamagabe districts among others.They are also expected to meet officials from Rwanda Governance Board.