
I love it when women support one another’s efforts to be our all-around best. We have seen and experienced it everywhere. For some women, it has been in mothers groups or cooperatives, for career women; in the work place, for students; at schools and for the socialite; in social circles.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I love it when women support one another’s efforts to be our all-around best. We have seen and experienced it everywhere. For some women, it has been in mothers groups or cooperatives, for career women; in the work place, for students; at schools and for the socialite; in social circles. When women come together and make use of their combined creative powers, things get done.  No one is an island and that is why co-existence and support towards each other’s efforts is very important for women. We all have goals and ambitions in life and yes, running the race alone with the absence of those who might ‘steal your thunder’, is a great idea. However, let us face the fact that, as much as we want to go solo, we would finish the race faster if we had our fellow women friends, colleagues or support groups at our sides.As you will read in this issue of Women Today, women can be pillars of support in the financial, social, intellectual and emotional shortcuts of life.Women need to remember that the world is a giant block of rich and immense opportunities that is begging to be taken up and nurtured towards growth. Women can support these initiatives and be the best they can be.Enjoy your reading.