Rwandans speak out on second phase of EDPRS

As the second phase of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy was launched yesterday, The New Times’ Sam Nkurunziza talked to a cross-section of Rwandans who gave a range of ideas on what they think should be prioritised over the next five years

Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Emile Karenzi

The programmes are good but there is need to create more awareness, especially among the local population on how best to benefit from them.Sometimes people have developmental ideas but lack the financial capital to start productive projects and businesses. Capital generation needs to be emphasised to reduce dependence on subsistence farming. Emile Karenzi, motorcycle taxi operatorThe government should help us access international markets for our products so that we can sell them at a reasonably higher price.Sometimes, it’s the high taxes or lack of information about potential markets that hinders us from engaging in productive businesses.Emannuel Ngabo, a farmer from MuhangaTaking an example from the recent international tournaments in which Rwanda has taken part, such as the World Cup (U-17 finals), it can be noticed that sports is an important tool in both social and economic development.Investing in sports, especially by supporting young sports men and women, should be one of the priorities this time round.Etienne Niyonshuti, sports journalistThere should be measures to curb increasing taxes because they limit low income earners.As much as it will increase access to market for Rwandan products, this will also attract investors who wish to do their businesses in Rwanda.Vincent Barigye,BankerI think more efforts should be put in women emancipation programmes because most women, especially those from rural areas, lack the capacity to help their families out of poverty.There is a common tendency of expecting men to fend for their families but these days, not all men are reliable.Edysa Mihana, a studentFor most of us who are low income earners, there is need to be facilitated to easily access loans in order to improve our businesses.Olivier Nzabahimana, airtime vendorOur salaries are still low to the extent that saving is almost impossible. Depending on a monthly salary may allow you to survive but it is too little to let you engage in other activities for further development.Jean Bosco Muvunyi, a security guard