Readers comments on new TNT website

1.What a pleasure to see a brand new look on the web face of one of my favourite daily newspapers!  Though being miles and miles away in Mumbai, I am still able to follow very closely what is happening in Rwanda on a day to day basis, thanks to your e-newspaper.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

1.What a pleasure to see a brand new look on the web face of one of my favourite daily newspapers!Though being miles and miles away in Mumbai, I am still able to follow very closely what is happening in Rwanda on a day to day basis, thanks to your e-newspaper.  The new web face is definitely a move in the right direction and has made your electronic version even more inter-active.Wishing The New Times continued success for the future.Clarence Fernandesclavinmarketing@gmail.com2. Congratulations guys for providing your readers with the possibility to give comments on your articles. This will make the content of your outlet more interesting thanks to inputs from the public. Keep it up. NB: In my point of view, the fact that giving the location and the question (quiz) at the end of the comment box are not user friendly. Some may not wish to say where they are and others may simply not quickly understand right away that the question requires to make basic mathematics.Jean Bosco Rushingabigwi3. The new website looks great; it is organised in a way that makes it easier to visit. Its homepage offers enough options for the reader to find where his interests are. I do believe that it was high time The New Times looked new.I am sure that this will have a big impact in making choices of what you publish since you willknow what the readers are looking for. Getting to readers’ comments is a good tool to help you meet their expectations.In general, I think what The New Times could put a significant emphasis on is the five province of Rwanda, which is the Rwandan Diaspora across the globe. To me, everything else looks good. I thank you for your efforts in informing Rwandans and friends of Rwanda!Jean Leon Iragena4. The new web face of The New Times was long overdue. That said, the inability to submit comments on any published article was suffocation to us who always itched to respond and thus this new application is of great relief. We now need insightful and investigative stories backed by efficient analysis. Let this be your new resolution...Other wise, 2012 has began on a positive note.Edwin Mukiza