Readers Comments...

Response to the story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled “Premier tours MTN, urges quality services”. MTN, stop making excuses for your network failure. You have over 500 towers and an STM-64 fiber Network to all corners of the country.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Response to the story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled "Premier tours MTN, urges quality services”.MTN, stop making excuses for your network failure. You have over 500 towers and an STM-64 fiber Network to all corners of the country. These are supported by four regional independent BSC switches, that should enable you render better reliable services to your clients. Re plan your network to have redundancy at all levels as the best way to achieve customer satisfaction. Rukundo, KigaliMTN is actually the best telecom company in this country with good coverage and quality. We have no doubt they will improve their services and expand for the 60% mobile penetration target.Olivier NGE, Rwamagana