Youths to build houses for Genocide survivors

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — The youth in Rubavu district have resolved to construct at least one house for survivors of the 1994 Genocide, in each of the 12 sectors across the district.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


RUBAVU — The youth in Rubavu district have resolved to construct at least one house for survivors of the 1994 Genocide, in each of the 12 sectors across the district.

The resolution was reached last week during a one-day youth meeting at Rubavu Cultural Centre.

The meeting organised by the National Youth Council was meant to sensitize the youth on government policies and to encourage them to participate in various activities during the Genocide memorial week.

Agnes Mutesi, the district official in charge of culture, urged them to contribute towards economic development by joining cooperative societies. It was noted that the role of the youth is instrumental in fostering unity and reconciliation among Rwandans..

"The youth can play a vital role in the implementation of various government policies such as unity and reconciliation. If the energy, intelligence and resources of youth are fully and properly utilized, the country will prosper," Mutesi said.

She explained that the youth were energetic people with vibrant ideas which could be harnessed for the betterment of the country. She challenged participants to encourage their fellow youth who are still carrying out rebel activities in the neighbouring DRC, to return home.

"Visiting memorial sites is very important especially to the youth and those who were not in the country during the genocide. This is because it gives them a true picture of the horror and make a commitment to the ‘Never Again’ notion," she added.

Jean de Dieu Hakizimana, one of the participants, deplored the role of youth in the genocide.

"The former politicians used our fellow youth to carry out the 1994 genocide. It is unfortunate that the youthful energy that could have been used to reconstruct the country was instead used to shed blood of innocent Rwandans," he said.

He encouraged participants to cultivate unity and reconciliation among other youth in the district in order to foster peace and harmony in the country.
