Primus Guma Guma can do better

Editor, Saturday’s Primus Guma Guma Superstar show on RTV was completely a disaster! The quality of the images was very poor and unprofessionally taken.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Editor,Saturday’s Primus Guma Guma Superstar show on RTV was completely a disaster! The quality of the images was very poor and unprofessionally taken. PGGSS is a big music competition in Rwanda, and we expect the organisers to hire professional video cameramen to take nice footage not anyone because they are probably charging less. For sure this is contrary to what Mr. Jan van Velzen, Bralirwa’s Commercial Director, said in the article¦.that this year’s edition will be bigger, better and funnier. Anyway, let’s hope that the great men and women behind the historic act have learnt a lesson, and we shall be seeing a great show as promised.