Parents set rules to guard and guide you

Unbelievably parents know what is good for you because they have been there, made all those mistakes in life, and learnt from them. They do not want you making the same mistakes they did. When rules are set, you must follow them. They are there to protect and guide you.

Monday, February 06, 2012
Listening to parents is important for teenagers. Net photo

Unbelievably parents know what is good for you because they have been there, made all those mistakes in life, and learnt from them. They do not want you making the same mistakes they did. When rules are set, you must follow them. They are there to protect and guide you.Rules seem militant but on the contrary, they are a loving and logical way to teach you what is safe and acceptable; they lay the foundation for accountability and consequences. If your curfew is 6pm, it’s not that just restricting you or trying to own you; in the long run it’s for your own good. Ronnie Rwaka, a 16-year-old student of Kagarama Secondary School, says he hates it when his parents forbid him from doing things he wants to do or going where he wants to go. They usually tell him things like "It’s for your own good” or, "We’re doing this because we love you.” How can refusing me to do something that makes me happy be for my own good?” he wonders.  He gets mad at them and feels like they do not care about him.Ronnie is not the only one; a good number of young people feel trapped by their parents’ rules. They think they are old enough to take care of themselves and yearn for independence and freedom to do whatever they please.Ronnie has a big black dog that he loves with all his heart! In fact it his best Buddy! He can’t eat or do anything without first feeding the dog. Sometime back, an announcement was passed on the radio that all dog owners had to keep their dogs within home premises and that dogs left to loiter around aimlessly would be killed.On hearing this announcement, Ronnie’s heart almost broke! He told his dad about the announcement and the following day his dad came home with a leash and chain. He asked Ronnie to put the leash on the dog and chain it.Ronnie took the dog and stroked it lovingly, saying, "Buddy I’m sorry but I have to chain you. I know how much you hate being chained but it is for your own good. If I don’t do this, something terrible might happen to you.It was at this moment that he remembered his parents’ words, and how they always insisted that whatever they did was for his own good. He realized how much his parents loved him and how some of their rules were really for his own good.After chaining his dog, he went and apologized to his parents for being a disobedient son, and for thinking that they hated him just because they didn’t let him do some things. He told them about the same dilemma he faced with the dog.So the next time your parents or guardian stop you from doing something it is not because they do not love or care about you. They do and are simply keeping you out of trouble.