The pain of relationships

Juanita was born into a rich family. She went to upscale prestigious schools with posh cars at her disposal. From what I gathered, she didn’t have to study hard then hunt for a job like the most of us; she was simply in school as a formality.

Monday, February 06, 2012
teens need to take care when in relationships.

Juanita was born into a rich family. She went to upscale prestigious schools with posh cars at her disposal. From what I gathered, she didn’t have to study hard then hunt for a job like the most of us; she was simply in school as a formality. She was also there to learn a few skills on how to manage her parents’ great fortune one day.Her parents were so protective so they sent her to a single sex school. They gave instructions to the school administration to keep a close eye on her and not let her team up with notorious girls.At home, she seldom left the premises and the only place she was allowed to go to save from school was the shopping mall. However, she was still driven to and fro and expected back before dusk. In brief, she lived a life of confinement all her junior and high school life, she knew nothing about what the world really is. Juanita was curious about the whole dating issue; it was probably the result of watching too many soap operas or maybe she was a natural romantic?  She was so excited about trying out the whole "love” thing in real life.When she got to university, she felt it was the perfect moment to make up for lost time. It was time to try out the one thing she had been dying to do.It was not long before she made friends. They hanged out and went out with boys but nothing ever really seemed to go on for long. They would break-up and she would immediately hook-up with another boyfriend. The affairs didn’t even last six months and before she knew it she had to dump her boyfriend because he had "side dishes” .She dropped him and hooked up with another one and the hooking up and dumping saga became a sequence. By the time, she left campus she had broken-up with over six boyfriends.The most painful thing was that she always paid the bills singlehandedly whenever she went out with the boyfriend(s): drinks, food, and transport; you name it.At the end of her stay at campus, she was choking with heartbreaks and frustration stemming from useless investments in men. She started hated men passionately, and at one time was overheard swearing never to get married.