ActionAid chief visits

Joanna Kerr, ActionAid’s international Chief Executive, arrived in the country last evening for a three-day familiarisation tour that will see her meet government officials, donors and civil society groups and visit some projects support by her organization.

Monday, February 06, 2012
ActionAid's international chief executive Joanna Kerr.

Joanna Kerr, ActionAid’s international Chief Executive, arrived in the country last evening for a three-day familiarisation tour that will see her meet government officials, donors and civil society groups and visit some projects support by her organization. The agency is engaged in poverty eradication programmes through a rights-based approach in strategic priorities revolving around women empowerment, education, sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. Governance, disasters, conflict as well as children and youth empowerment are other cross-cutting issues of strategic focus.A communiqué from the Actionaid country office indicates that in Rwanda, ActionAid is primarily concerned with the promotion of economic, social, cultural, civil and political human rights, among others.The agency currently operates in Seven Local Rights Programme areas of (LRPs), including Nyanza, Ruheru and Gisagara in the Southern Province, Murundi and Gitesi in Western Province and Shingiro and Muko in the Northern Province, targeting a total population of about one million that include vulnerable women, children and others.The concept note from the country office says that Kerr is visiting "to gain greater understanding of Rwanda context to enable her work on increasing awareness of AA Rwanda’s work against poverty through external media, international fora, policy makers and supporters”.