Genocide ideologies can be healed by God

Dear editor, God does not share bitterness, negative feelings and grudges we have against some people. The same Lord who died for us died for our enemies too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dear editor,

God does not share bitterness, negative feelings and grudges we have against some people. The same Lord who died for us died for our enemies too.

He doesn’t love us more than He loves them. They are still God’s loved regardless of how evil they may be.

Never rejoice in their suffering and be careful not to despise anyone, even the one who hurts you, so that you may not offend God who unconditionally loves all of us just like a father loves his children.

We must always love one another unconditionally, including our enemies that will make us fear to hate each other for years to the extent of holding machetes or any other killing weapon to make someone’s life end.

I have heard of many incidents that have suspiciously involved people with Genocide ideologies killing Genocide survivors when mourning.

To me, that openly and vividly shows me that Genocide ideologies need another approach.

Comeback to God, and lets all go to God despite the fact that a big number of people died in churches.
