Business Tips: Things you need to consider before advertising

Advertising is a form of letting what you swell or deal in to be known to your clients- it acts as a messenger between the company and its clients. In this era when one talks of advertising  you immediately think of radio, television, billboards, posters, person to person, internet  and mass advertising that would include road shows, draws among others.

Monday, February 06, 2012
Advertising makes your products or services recognisable on the market

Advertising is a form of letting what you swell or deal in to be known to your clients- it acts as a messenger between the company and its clients. In this era when one talks of advertising  you immediately think of radio, television, billboards, posters, person to person, internet  and mass advertising that would include road shows, draws among others. The business would choose to use either of the above and other forms that we have not mentioned to let their clients understand their products, new arrivals, promotions, change of location, change of branding or announcing price changes to its clients, the list is endless and not limited.In other words, advertising plays a major role in making your products or services known on the market. Nevertheless, much as it would be good to advertise, it is bad to your business turnovers. So, what do you need to consider before advertising?, You need to answer critical questions such as- why do I need to advertise, is it the right time, what form of advertising do I need, what unique information do I need to send to the market, is it what I need to grow my business and my clientele? So never be moved by the argument that your competitor is advertising so you also have to or that you have just to advertise to appear on the screen, or on airwaves and people regard you as the strongest.Be smart enough to consider whether the current state of your business supports advertisement- much as you need your business to be known and more clients come, it must be fitting within your business budgetbecause, most of the times, you may advertise and take long time to regain the money you have put in an advert. In addition, you need to ask yourself if it is the right time to advertise. First, look at whether it is timely to advertise your business . Best times would be when there are new products, change in branding, when you have just started business or at that particular time when there is a misconception about your business or products or services you are dealing in. But most importantly, try to choose the right form of advertising. As much it is important to know your target group in the start of business, so it is to advertising. The age group, sexual differences, tastes and preferences and location, if any their cultural and religious taboos of your clients would give you a good strategic advertising approach.It is worth not profiting to use a television when most of your clients are rural based where access totelevision would be hard. Most preferably, you may be deceived by the few you have in the city if you actually don’t know the location of your clients. A shop dealing in garments would rather opt for a personto person advertising and television since it is all about seeing for your clients to be convinced. But you must remember that it is important to advertise no matter what form. For a person failing to advertise is like a gentle man who decided to stop the clock to save time.