Lets borrow a leaf from top leadership

Editor, Kudos to the Premier Pierre Damien Habumuremyi for the good job you are doing. I am so grateful that the issue of service delivery is being given maximum attention by our top leadership because it is the foundation to achieving our goals which will definitely develop and modernise Rwanda.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Editor,Kudos to the Premier Pierre Damien Habumuremyi for the good job you are doing. I am so grateful that the issue of service delivery is being given maximum attention by our top leadership because it is the foundation to achieving our goals which will definitely develop and modernise Rwanda.This, I believe will change the mentality of both deliverers and recipients of services who would think that giving or receiving a service is a favour and therefore the giver does it at his/her own time and in whatever quality irrespective of the value paid for.It is indeed our right not only as citizens but also as human beings to be treated and to treat others fairly by giving and getting the best we can in life. Since service is an all around phenomenon, we should always remain mindful that the level of quality we want to get should be the measure of quality given and the principle is that we all want the best.C. David