Focus on health Sector is timely

The Government, through the Office of the Prime Minister and other ministries and specialized agencies, has embarked on an aggressive  campaign to improve service delivery in various sectors. The health sector is one of the areas that have been identified as needing urgent improvement.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Government, through the Office of the Prime Minister and other ministries and specialized agencies, has embarked on an aggressive  campaign to improve service delivery in various sectors. The health sector is one of the areas that have been identified as needing urgent improvement.Improving basic patient care is key to the recovery process and the perceptions of patients can also serve as a reflection of the effectiveness of the health care system.Whereas there have been tremendous achievements within the sector, including, universal access to health insurance and access to Anti-Retroviral Treatment for people living with HIV/Aids, there is still a lot more that needs to get done.While there are challenges that may take long to address, such as the low doctor to patient ratio, issues such as basic service delivery can be dealt with in the short term. All it takes is to focus on changing attitudes and ensuring that service providers in the health sector adhere to basic work ethics.The Government’s commitment to improving service delivery, especially  in the health sector, is commendable and all stakeholders; patients, service providers etc, must fully embrace this campaign if it is to become a success.