The decadation of love

Many a time we find ourselves stuck in situations that always seem to be beyond our control. Events pass so speedily we have no time to look up, think and salvage what is left. This, unfortunately is what love, true love, has come to. In a rush of everyday life matters of the heart seem to slowly fade away. They have given way to work, career and technically everything else.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Many a time we find ourselves stuck in situations that always seem to be beyond our control. Events pass so speedily we have no time to look up, think and salvage what is left. This, unfortunately is what love, true love, has come to. In a rush of everyday life matters of the heart seem to slowly fade away. They have given way to work, career and technically everything else. This may come as a shock to many but how many times do we stop and tell the people we truly care about just how special they are and how much we appreciate what they do for us. How much they mean to us, how much we love them. Cruising through a Dannielle Steel novel or Judith McNaught we see glimpses of what the people before us used to enjoy. Lives full of passion and love. Everyday the characters in these books go out of their way to let the people around them know just how much they care. Listening to a Steve Harvey stand up comedy, he mentioned that the lyrical content of today does not help the young minds and hearts. Every other rapper is going on about how much money he or she has, how they are better than the next person, and all this is what we sing. Our iPods are full of The Game’s album or Waka Flaka Flame’s latest track; we are singing along and promoting a feeling of self indulgence. This is encouraged; in order to be a complete human being one must first find and accept himself or herself and embrace who they are. Rap songs provide this very needed self esteem, but once it is obtained we often forget to go back to the roots, the ones that brought us to where we are today, to the heart of the matter.Life has taken us on this never ending roller coater ride and taken over us. We are merely existing and not living. Without love we are missing out on something so beautiful, something so captivating, something so enchanting, that once we have a taste of it we may not want to let it go.  If we shift our focus, from a love, in the general, and take it to true love between two people who are made for each other. We no longer have two people made for each other. We are now living in a time where we have two people coming together for a common interest and calling it love. Men have slaked in duty, no longer are they the sweet romanticizers they once were and women have taken control of their own lives and have a notion that they do need men anymore. Women have been thrust into the light and now forced to take the reigns of what they want. When in the beginning women were courted and chased. The whole role reversal has changed the face of it all. A case of this has been witnessed, a boy helplessly in love with his best friend it is clear and plain for everyone to see. However, the lack of sentimentality that has swept over our generation hinders his true emotions from being displayed. It’s perfectly alright to hold someone’s hand and tell them you love them. Boys, it’s alright to hug your mothers and tell them you love them. It is perfectly alright to say what you feel when you feel. Make each day count and go to bed knowing you have let everyone in your life know exactly what they mean to you.