First Lady addresses US Prayer Breakfast

Rwanda’s experience is a powerful reminder that humans are capable of the best and the worst, and yet evil can be overcome, the First Lady, Jeanette Kagame, told over 3,000 guests who attended the 60th American Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on Thursday.

Saturday, February 04, 2012
First Lady, Jeanette Kagame.

Rwanda’s experience is a powerful reminder that humans are capable of the best and the worst, and yet evil can be overcome, the First Lady, Jeanette Kagame, told over 3,000 guests who attended the 60th American Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on Thursday.Mrs Kagame was accompanied by the Minister of Familiy and Gender Promotion, Aloisea Inyumba, and Rwanda’s Ambassador to the United States, James Kimonyo.The Prayer Breakfast was attended and addressed by President Obama who was accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama as well as US Vice President, Joe Biden."As I talk about Rwanda, however, I remain mindful that my country’s story is only a modest contribution to the collective search for peace, unity and stability. Indeed, we too continue to learn from both our successes and challenges,” Mrs Kagame said."When Rwanda emerged from the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, the country was largely considered as doomed to failure. Our nation’s human and physical infrastructures were in ashes; and our society was deeply divided."Less than two decades later, most visitors to Rwanda find a people that have covered their dignity; they see a country back on its feet, fast-developing and resolutely oriented towards the future. Many talk of the "Rwandan miracle,” she added. The First Lady said that Rwanda’s socio-economic recovery is a product of its people’s resilience, sacrifices and resolve to write a new and better chapter in history. "Today, Rwanda is a secure, stable and developing nation. Having learned from its painful past, Rwanda is a major contributor to regional and global peace. About 3,500 Rwandan peacekeepers are deployed in UN missions around the world,” she said."Looking back to Rwanda’s post genocide journey, we may feel a legitimate sense of pride, yet we do not lose sight of how far we have come”."We pray to our Lord for leadership that values life, forgiveness and solidarity among the people. We also pray for a world at peace.; a world where our children can grow and flourish, guided by the words of God,” Mrs Kagame said.