Book review: Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach’s

David Bach’s Smart Women Finish Rich is an excellent foundation for women who are starting to get their financial lives in order.

Friday, February 03, 2012

David Bach’s Smart Women Finish Rich is an excellent foundation for women who are starting to get their financial lives in order.

Bach has written a guide to money management for women based on his belief that "financial planning is as much an emotional issue as it is an intellectual one.” Are you considering your values in your work and investing? What part of your daily work is driven by your goals in life? Is your latte habit preventing you from accumulating substantial wealth?

Bach addresses tax strategies, wills, insurance, retirement plans, and investments in a highly accessible manner. Smart Women Finish Rich ably bridges the gap between simple saving strategies and preparing for widowhood and financial independence. This book Inspires women to start planning today for a secure financial future. Every woman can benefit from this book.