Ideal interiors: Redecorate your kitchen with a central island

A beautiful kitchen is a dream come true for many women. Last month I bought my favourite magazine, and there was one prominent lady featured, and when asked about her favourite place in her house, she said her kitchen.

Friday, February 03, 2012

A beautiful kitchen is a dream come true for many women. Last month I bought my favourite magazine, and there was one prominent lady featured, and when asked about her favourite place in her house, she said her kitchen. Just by looking at the pictures of her kitchen I could not help but love it, too! Her type of kitchen was the modern kitchen with Central Island, just the type of kitchen I said I will put in my house when I build my dream house one day.A kitchen with central island is the type that whose inbuilt surface is built in the middle of the kitchen. The kitchen island can be as simple as a small table or as elaborate as a custom-built, electrified, plumbed, tiled cooking centre. This kitchen has a warm family feel to it. The central island is a strong feature and allows for entertaining while cooking and gives a person enough space to move around while cooking and serving. This type of a kitchen gives the owner of the house to add extras like a modern lamp or a chandelier to give the kitchen a modern look. Adding the family photographs and children’s wall art can add a homely touch to your kitchen.While a kitchen island can be as simple as a table with a storage place, many new kitchen islands are being designed with useful and decorative touches, making a kitchen island a focal point in the kitchen. Some kitchen islands are elaborate custom-built pieces of fine cabinetry and include a sink, granite counters, a cook top, and cabinets for storage, a warming oven, or a small refrigerator. Some have wine racks, cookbook shelves, bar sinks, deep fryers, and other amenities. For this type of a kitchen the sky is the limit if you have enough room. A kitchen island is also perfect for children; whether it is homework time or they want to help mummy make dinner, a kitchen island is a great place for children to feel part of the action and they also get to learn the culinary skills from their mother.  Another option for kitchen islands is to place amenities like a microwave and fridge where children can reach, so that they can learn to be independent. The material options for an island are endless. Depending on one’s pocket, whether you are using your island for utilitarian purposes or you want the island to be the show stopper of the kitchen, there is a counter top surface for everyone according to their pocket. From plastic laminate to solid surface finishes all are available.  For those who want to spend some little money, they can consider higher grades of solid surfaces or stained concrete. At the high end of the cost spectrum are butcher block, granite, and custom exotic wood varieties.  The island has become the icon of the modern kitchen—the 21st-century equivalent of the old-fashioned hearth. It is easy to understand why it is becoming famous. For those who have been thinking that a kitchen island is just for show, it is time to change your minds.  From storage to additional seating, any home will love the versatility a kitchen island offers.