Ambulances to increase access to health care services

The Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday handed over eight ambulances to various hospitals across the country.The Minister of Health, Agnes Binagwaho, said the target was to have at least five ambulances for every district.

Friday, February 03, 2012
The Ministry of Health yesterday gave out eight ambulances to various hospitals.The New Times / File

The Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday handed over eight ambulances to various hospitals across the country.The Minister of Health, Agnes Binagwaho, said the target was to have at least five ambulances for every district.

"More ambulances have been given out to increase access to health care services. This is in a bid to increase rapid intervention in cases of emergency such as accidents, mothers going to deliver and many other health-related crises that may befall Rwandans”, Binagwaho said.

She said that the dispatching of more ambulances will decrease geographic barriers and help more people reach health facilities in time.

Binagwaho cautioned the people entrusted with the cars to use them for their intended purposes and not their personal businesses, reminding them that the ambulances belong to the Rwandan citizens, not the hospitals.

Kamali Maurice, the administrator of Shyira Hospital (Nyabiho District), stated that the hospital had only two ambulances which was not enough.

"Now that we have a third ambulance, it will help us improve our health services and reach out to more people, especially those that need transfers when in critical health condition”, Kamali said.Jean Marie Uwitonze, the Acting Coordinator of Ambulance Services in MOH, said the ministry has so far given 200 ambulances to hospitals across the country.

He stated some of the equipment given along with in the ambulances, include basic and life support equipment, suction machines, vital sign monitors and field stretchers.