Recruitment, tendering issues need decisive remedy

Editor, I am writing to express my concern over persistent reports that theway recruitment and awarding tenders are not done properly in the districts.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Editor,I am writing to express my concern over persistent reports that theway recruitment and awarding tenders are not done properly in the districts.There  is  always controversy in districts whenever it comes to awarding tenders and recruitment of new employees. The Public Service Commission has also, in the past, promised to streamline employment procedures in the public service.It has almost become fashionable that whenever a tender has been awarded at the local government level, especially districts, peoplecome up with allegations of kick backs and influence pedaling. While its okay for the people to lay blame and point fingers where necessary, it is important that relevant authorities move to address such issues without delay. Whether it is true or not, the Rwanda Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) should carry out a thorough investigation to get to the root cause of the matter, and make their findings public to end any speculations.On the recruitment issue, I always feel the Ministry of Public Service and Labour can do a better job; it’s not enough to say ‘we have procedures in place’; those rules need to be enforced and the offenders brought to book. The recruitment process needs to be streamlined.Josephine MutambaRubavu