Does size matter in a beauty contest?

Beauty is relative but judges during a beauty pageant have their own selected criterion that summarizes what they are looking for.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Beauty is relative but judges during a beauty pageant have their own selected criterion that summarizes what they are looking for. According to website, an article titled "101 beauty pageant tips”, had the first five tips include; smiling consistently, holding your head high like the crown is already on your head, scanning the judges, and audience. If it is too difficult to look the judges in the eye, the foreheads will do. After all, it isn’t the most talented girl who wins the competition; it’s the one who has the best stage presence. Shockingly, size wasn’t among the top five priorities. In an interview with The New Times, Kalimba Juliet Doudou a practicing model says that size actually matters in a beauty contest. "It matters although it’s not a priority like it is in modeling. In a beauty contest a lot is required of the participant,” Kalimba discloses She added that beauty pageants are totally different from modeling. "Most people confuse modeling with beauty contests. In modeling one has to keep in shape all the time since it’s a profession that deals with looking good in clothes,” Kalimba emphasizes. I asked some facebook fans about the matter at hand and their responses were interesting.Doreen Nasasira, Radio presenter and a Facebook fan said in most cases size is not a key factor in a beauty contest.  "Although size is not a key factor you don’t have to be extremely fat, someone medium sized could win a beauty contest,” Nasasira explains.David Mitali, also a Facebook fan said that beauty it self is in the uniqueness of someone. "First of all you can’t stand up for a challenge if you don’t believe in yourself. I think size doesn’t matter at all,” Mitali explains. According to Jacko Gollan another Facebook fan, size will only matter in a beauty contest if it’s included in the criterion to be used by the judges."For example if the contest organizers say one should weigh between 45-53.5 kgs to participate in the contest then it will be considered. Other factors will be considered if they are to crown the overall participant. My view is that size goes hand in hand with beauty,” says Gollan.