Mini Profiles

Neema Umwali, 22 is a third year Computer Science with Education student at Kigali Institute of Education (KIE).

Thursday, February 02, 2012
Neema Umwali, Miss KIE

Neema Umwali, 22 is a third year Computer Science with Education student at Kigali Institute of Education (KIE). The daughter to Amon Magabo and Lucie Batamuliza and fourth born in a family of nine went to ESCAF and Remera Catholic primary school education and later attended Groupe Scolaire de Kagarama and Kabare of Rusumo in the eastern province. "When the school announced a beauty contest, I didn’t hesitate to show my interest and immediately become one of the candidates,” she said. She never imagined she would stand before many people but when they opportunity presented itself, she had to use is wisely. "Lucky for me my family supported me especially my mother who sometimes corrected my mistakes” she recalls Many people think that being a beauty queen is only a life of roses but they forget the thorns. Also, it is assumed that the title comes with a lot of negativity like immoral conduct in society. Being a title holder means being a good Ambassador and making the people who put you there proud. Personal interests come in after satisfying the community.