Beauty Queens gone wrong

What could be more glorious than to be crowned the fairest in the land? No wonder Snow White’s step mother took it very personal after she was told someone else was more beautiful than her.

Thursday, February 02, 2012
Vanessa Williams, the first black Miss America. Net photo

What could be more glorious than to be crowned the fairest in the land? No wonder Snow White’s step mother took it very personal after she was told someone else was more beautiful than her.  But after such an honor (because the truth is that, there are a lot of fair women in the world) you’d think a woman would conduct herself with the utmost respect for her crown but no! Beauty Queens around the world have gone wild during and after their reign, doing things unexpected of them –sometimes forcing pageant officials to dethrone them. Caroline Schwitzky was named Miss Exotica in a local pageant in New York. Problems arose when it turned out to be a porn convention.  The second Florida pageant officials found out about the mishap, they stripped the Miss Weston 2011 winner of her title. In addition to winning the pageant at the porn industry convention, Schwitzky also did a semi-nude photo shoot for a web site. Videos of both events were leaked onto the internet. ‘We all have dumb things in our life that we’re not necessarily proud of,’ the beauty queen told NBC Miami.Miss USA 2010, Rima Fakih made history as she is said to be the first Muslim to win the title. Online reports however, say that the beauty queen was spotted behind the wheel speeding and weaving through traffic while drinking an almost half empty bottle of champagne.  She was summoned to show up in court within 10days.If you thought threesomes were only over hyped episodes of gossip girl, you have another think coming. A sex tape that surfaced in November 2009, implicated Miss Japan Hiroko Mima and Miss Trinidad and Tobago  Anya Ayoung Chee in a raunchy orgy with Chee’s boyfriend.  Apparently the video was shot during the reign of both women. The press had a field day because the tape was actually shot eight months after the pageant but a Miss Universe rep claimed that they had no involvement in the scandal.In 2009, the reigning Miss Mexico Laura Zinuga was stripped of her title after a drug trafficking scandal left her detained along with seven other men. The drugs were found in a vehicle containing USD 53,000, arms and ammo. In her defense, the lovely Laura said she was simply shopping!!!Another beauty queen, Miss Teen Louisiana, Lindsey Evans was dethroned after she was arrested for theft and possession of marijuana. Her ‘stash’ was found when she accidentally left her purse behind subsequent to a dinner. This next and arguably the most popular beauty queen made history as the first black Miss USA and has been blessing our radios and CD players with the beauty of her voice. She has also entertained us with her many films like Soul Food. 1984 reigning Miss America, Vanessa Williams was asked to step down when a ten page Penthouse spread emerged. Over 5 million copies of the controversial magazine were sold. She has since enjoyed a very successful career in film, TV and music. One can’t help but think that even if her reign as Miss USA ended, the nude photos certainly opened lots of doors for her! That doesn’t mean others should try it too. I’m sure if she could go back and do it all again, she would forgo the nudity and honor the crown.After winning Miss USA in 1957, Mary Leona Gage was discovered to be 18 and not 21 as she claimed. She’d been married twice (once at age 14) with two kids, violating all of the rules of pageantry. After losing the crown, Gage made forays into the acting world and attempted a life as a Hollywood showgirl.African beauty queens have made an effort to stay out of the limelight. We haven’t seen any nude pictures or heard anything seriously scandalous from them. Well – at least not yet! Keep praying!