Mugesera in court today

The man regarded as a major architect of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Leon Mugesera (right), is expected to appear in court today.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

The man regarded as a major architect of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Leon Mugesera (right), is expected to appear in court today.Mugesera, who was deported from Canada last week, after a 16-year court battle, will be produced for his initial hearing at the Nyarugenge High Court in Kigali.The suspect, who was the vice chairman of the former ruling party, MRND, in Gisenyi, became infamous for his incendiary speech in Kabaya in 1992, where he incited the killing of Tutsis (he referred to as scum) and tossing their bodies into Nyabarongo river, a tributary of the Nile, as a short cut to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), their alleged home of origin.Shortly after his speech, Tutsis were murdered on a large scale in Bigogwe and Bugesera, in what experts regard to have been a dry run for a full scale Genocide two years later.
