Kicukiro residents urged on dev’t

Residents of Kicukiro Disrict, Kigali city have been called upon to take the lead in all developmental activities in their residential and work places.

Thursday, February 02, 2012
Kicukiro District Mayor Paul Jules Ndamage

Residents of Kicukiro Disrict, Kigali city have been called upon to take the lead in all developmental activities in their residential and work places.The call was made yesterday by the district, Paul Jules Ndamage, during the 18th celebration of the Heroes Day.Ndamage underlined that Heroes’ Day should be a time for all Rwandans to remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives towards liberating the country."I encourage you to fight any divisionism and ethnic discrimination in the district and countrywide because this is one of the factors that totally dismantled our nation and led to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis” Ndamage remarked.He encouraged them to strive to be exemplary and avoid the habit of laziness by working hard which he said would help the country to achieve sustainable development.The mayor castigated the former regime of the former President, Juvenal Habyarimana that led to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis."We should always remember the Rwandan Heroes like the Late Major General Fred Gisa Rwigema and others who paid the ultimate price to liberate this country. I urge you to follow their footsteps because they left behind such a memorable legacy which will help us take the country to another level,” he said.In an interview with The New Times, Dativa Nyiraneza, a 61-year-old a resident of Uwamahoro community settlement in Nyarugunga Sector, who attended the function commented: "According to my experience and analysis, Heroes Day should be a time for all Rwandans to realise that the peace, democracy, unity and development we are now enjoying is a result of their fellow Rwandans who sacrificed their lives to liberate this country”.