Imbuto Foundation launches HIV handbook

Imbuto Foundation, in collaboration with Rwanda Biomedical Centre, has launched a training manual on HIV/AIDS prevention aimed at Rwandans between the ages of 15-24.

Thursday, February 02, 2012
Youth Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana reads through the HIV training manual before the launch on Tuesday. The New Times / J. Mbanda

Imbuto Foundation, in collaboration with Rwanda Biomedical Centre, has launched a training manual on HIV/AIDS prevention aimed at Rwandans between the ages of 15-24.Speaking at its launch, the Minister of Youth, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, said that the manual would greatly help in the HIV prevention efforts. He stated that his Ministry would also intensify efforts to ensure that the message in the handbook reaches as many young people as possible.Nsengimana called upon parents to always talk to their children about issues related to HIV/AIDS."Parents should stop shying away from talking to their children about issues related to HIV/AIDS. They should even discuss other issues with them such as financial literacy and entrepreneurship,” Nsengimana added.Regina Iyamuremye, a member of Imbuto Foundation Board of Directors, said that the 90 page handbook has different steps in combating HIV/AIDS among the youth.She urged young people to realise their worth, respect themselves and keep their dignity as a way of preventing HIV/AIDS.Adelphine Ufitinema, 23, a youth representative, advised that another book targeting children in primary school be written since most of them were aware of issues regarding sexual reproduction and HIV/AIDS.