The facts behind the Rusizi nurse case

Editor, The Ministry of Health wishes to react to a story that appeared in various media outlets last month titled “Nurse disappears after killing patient”.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Editor,The Ministry of Health wishes to react to a story that appeared in various media outlets last month titled "Nurse disappears after killing patient”.The Ministry would like through your newspaper to explain that the body of the deceased, Alphonse Muhigana was indeed found at Gira Ubuzima dispensary last week and taken to Nyanza hospital for autopsy.In the story, the said nurse, Desiré Ngirabacu reportedly injected Alphonse Muhigana with three injections of penicillin antibiotic which could have killed Muhigana. The Ministry of Health would like to clarify that under normal circumstances, the administration of the three doses of the penicillin antibiotic cannot kill a person except in particular cases where the patient is allergic or if the nurse wrongly injected the said patient.It is important to note that the dispensary in question had been closed down by the ministry and the police, months before this incident occurred for failure to meet required health standards. Currently, relevant authorities are investigating why it was later re-opened without authorisation from the Health Ministry.In the face of this incident, the Rwanda Police brought the body to Nyanza hospital and requested the doctor on duty, Dr. Sylvain Kapinga Musangu to conduct an autopsy on the deceased. Unfortunately, Dr. Musangu, who is a skilled general practitioner is not qualified to perform a post-mortem examination but did not disclose this, instead went ahead to perform it. By doing so, he drew uncertain conclusions and misled the entire health sector and police authorities. This is improper medical practice because such cases are handled at hospitals such as the Kacyiru Police Hospital.By agreeing to perform an autopsy that he is not qualified to do, yet he knew in advance that he would provide a wrong report, the Ministry of Health has given him, a one month suspension without pay, for scientific malpractice. The Ministry of Health would like to inform all citizens, especially health professionals that we have a zero tolerance for all acts, care and oral or written report that are not based on good practices and scientific evidence, because thanks to technology, there is no excuse today not to have evidence based results.As investigations continue, we would like to assure the entire population that the health sector is committed to providing quality healthcare for all citizens and evidence based results in health related investigative cases.   Ministry of Health