Women and lying about their age

In one of his songs, Wilson Bugembe, a famous Ugandan gospel artiste,  said that people should be proud of their age.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Many women try to conceal their age by layering on heavy amount of makeup. Net Photo

In one of his songs, Wilson Bugembe, a famous Ugandan gospel artiste,  said that people should be proud of their age. "If you are 50 years old, say it proudly since there are people who would love to live up to that age,” Bugembe’s lyrics state.It is sad that women are the biggest culprits of this rather disturbing habit. They do it to appear younger.They forget that they aren’t growing younger, no matter much they lie about their age.Sometimes, the body betrays them and wrinkles take centre stage.One man one said that however much women lie about their age, the body wont; it will always give them away.I know that at some point in life one wishes they were younger probably because they haven’t achieved some of the things they had set out to do.However, this doesn’t justify saying you are 23 years yet in actual sense you are 30.Its just not right and utterly disrespectful and ungrateful to the person who blessed you with all those years; God.Do we ever take the time to think of the children who struggle to survive but can’t because they have incurable diseases? Some are struggling with HIV/AIDS, heart diseases and brain tumors, cancer; you name it.Their lives have been cut short and their dreams are shattered because they will not make it to your age, whilst you are bickering away about your age.So many people also believe that women never tell their age. It’s fine if you do not feel like talking about your age but it’s not fine to lie about it. I understand the many reasons for talking about our ages and they are times, comprehensible.Lying isn’t a solution. However much one uses a lot of anti-wrinkles/aging cream, the age will not change. When the person you lie to, finds out, you shall be ridiculed.So if for any reason, you don’t feel like telling anyone your age, then don’t; it’s your right but lying is distasteful. It’s like telling God you are not proud to have made it that far.