Relationships:How to make your man feel special

There are so many ways to make your man feel extra special. If there is no response from him, do not think he is blind. He might be waiting to feel that extra touch.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Mutual interest and love build relationships. Net Photo

There are so many ways to make your man feel extra special. If there is no response from him, do not think he is blind. He might be waiting to feel that extra touch.These are some of the sweet yet easy things a woman can do to show her man some love:1. Prepare a meal for him: So maybe you are good at buying his favourite food and for sure he eats it all the time. But the question is, who prepares it? The housemaid has done her job too long, so why not just get into that kitchen and prepare your man a nice dinner for once? He probably just misses or wants your touch and that could open another phase of love for you. Do not forget that the only way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.2. Bestow Affection:  Many couples today ignore this great ingredient in their relationships, yet it totally binds partners. It sends a message of care to him. Give him a hug or a kiss on the cheek. These small things make wonders.3. Send Texts: Sending him texts expressing your love is a good way to go. Gone are the times when people wrote love letters that took ages to reach their destination. Nowadays, one can drop an email or a simple text and it is received in the shortest time possible. These text messages are cheap, quick and pass on the message effectively. 4. Compliment him: Men love to be complimented, whether they admit it or not.  If you notice he has done something nice, it is always nice to say things like, "I like that”. He wants to hear you say you like what he did even if it is as small as sweeping the house.5. Get him something: In case you happen to pass by a supermarket make sure you buy him an item that he loves. It could be a small snack or a drink he loves. This makes him feel that he is always on your mind. And it’s the thought that counts.6. Show him he is the only guy in the World:  No man wants competition. He might be faithful and loyal but a man still wants to think that he is the only guy in the world.At the end of the day, it is the small things that matter the most. In one way or another, keep the relationship as vibrant as it was when it just started.