Cornerstone Choir comforts survivors

The worship Team of Prayer Palace Church, Remera Cornerstone, sang two of their hit tracks to genocide survivors in Kacyiru sector.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The worship Team of Prayer Palace Church, Remera Cornerstone, sang two of their hit tracks to genocide survivors in Kacyiru sector.

In a public lecture that also attracted almost every resident in Kacyiru, Cornerstone Worship Team sang ‘Mana yabanyarwanda’ and ‘Haracyaribyiringiro’ songs .Both songs are inspiring songs that help in healing of people’s hearts that probably have faced disappointments and depression. Mana y’Abanyarwanda (God of Rwandans) sends a message of thanks giving to God for saving Rwandans from Genocide. ‘Haracyaribyiringiro’ (There is still hope) tells their audience that there is still hope. The ‘Mana y’Abanyarwanda’ song is among other tremendous songs on the choir’s first album Narabatuwe produced in Kinyarwanda culture style. Haracyar’Ibyiringiro song is also on the first album of Chantal Ndatenyirigira, a member of Cornerstone Worship team.Back up vocals that sang with Ndatenyirigira included David Maniraguha and Samuel Niyonshuti, the top vocals in the team. Ndatenyirigira is another up coming singer who does it mostly Kinyarwanda traditional way and Zouk styles. Also the ALARM choir sang that day with a song meant to comfort survivours.Cornerstone is a four-year old choir that is struggling to find its way to Rwanda’s music industry.
