Follow your dream!

THIS article is dedicated to my siblings, Shax, Toti, Portia, Jessica, Rominah, Lynn, Lillian, Mary-Jane and all former S.6 students of 2011, of Riviera High School.

Monday, January 30, 2012

THIS article is dedicated to my siblings, Shax, Toti, Portia, Jessica, Rominah, Lynn, Lillian, Mary-Jane and all former S.6 students of 2011, of Riviera High School.

Following your dream is like a lion following its prey. It invests all its energy, concentration, and focus into the plan and precision of getting itself a delicious meal. And once it has determinedly begun its mission, nothing, whatsoever can stop the beast! That’s how you and I ought to be.

We’ve all gotten to a stage where that decision is probably the hardest we’ve ever had to make, whether it is in your education, occupation, relationships or even in your faith. Taking the step to do what we’ve always wanted to do and be who we’ve always dreamed of being is a big challenge which ultimately evolves into an awe-inspiring privilege.

However, it is wrong to look at it at a ‘privilege perspective’ only but rather the ‘challenge perspective’ too. Not that it’s a bad thing, but I’ve realized that if we undermine the fact that for everything of deep value, we must sacrifice, stretch our limits and be willing to be pushed out of our comfort zone in order to enjoy the fruit of our sweat, we miss the main point. This is the beginning of our failure to accomplish our dream as well as the death of our hope in doing so.  This is the challenge I’m speaking of.

But rather, in remembering that there is a challenge ahead, we can prepare ourselves psychologically, physically and emotionally, and then, have our inner guarding system alert so that we’re not defeated along the way or tempted to give up by the intensity of the challenge. Whatever form it takes and from whatever direction in our lives it comes, we can overcome and finally enjoy the reward for perseverance!

Usually, people don’t reach their goals because they’ve been overwhelmed by what price they had to pay to get there. I too have had some moments where I didn’t want to go on pursuing my goal, sometimes even losing track of it completely because I forgot to remind myself that achievement doesn’t fall from heaven magically but we’ve got to earn it.

And I believe your case is no different. But much as it happens to all of us, it is only those who recollect their sense of priority, those who are quick to remember that opting for the easy road gives only temporary pleasure and a lifetime of regret, those who are willing to face the challenge and pay the price they should to earn their portion of lasting pleasure. Only they carry the true meaning of success.

A preacher once stated, "If it costs you nothing, it is probably nothing.” 

Achievement, either material or otherwise, gains meaning only from the testimony of one’s sacrifices, effort and faith invested during the journey.

This is an encouragement and caution to you, to fix your eyes upon your dream and let nothing divert you. If you’re willing to face the challenge, there’s no doubt you will reach that dream and hold it out for all to see! "There’s nothing impossible, the word itself says; I’M POSSIBLE!” follow your dreams!