Water shortages hit teachers’ solidarity training camp

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — A teachers solidarity training camp at Gakoni Polytechnic in Gatsibo district, was on Monday hit by severe water shortage.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


GATSIBO — A teachers solidarity training camp at Gakoni Polytechnic in Gatsibo district, was on Monday hit by severe water shortage.

According to the teachers, the scarcity which lasted for two days affected their hygiene and led to delayed meals,

Over 1,000 primary school teachers drawn from different schools in the district are currently attending the training organized by the Ministry of Education. The training launched two weeks ago countrywide, is aimed at sharing experiences, ideas and to learn problem-solving techniques among other things.

Ignatius Karemera, in charge of the training at the Gakoni site, attributed water shortage to the big number of teachers and a break down of the pumping system. He however said they were working hard to resolve the problem.

"The water scarcity was caused by a breakdown in the pumping system leading to lack of water for two days. But the problem has been solved and the pipe has been replaced," he said.

He added that the training was not affected because the site is located near the lake.

"Teachers were able to have access to water," he said.

Apart from the water shortage, scores of teachers who talked to The New Times complained of inadequate toilet facilities. They said the limited toilet facilities are overwhelmed leading to an unpleasant stench around the compound.

However, when contacted over the issue, Nicolas Rwaka, the district director of good governance and programme coordinator, said that the problem has been addressed.

"The toilets had a problem and when they brought it to our attention; we poured in chloroform - a drug that has helped so much to reduce the stench," Rwaka said.

Addressing the teachers, the district Mayor John Vianney Murego, challenged them to adopt positive thinking in order to enhance development.

"This year 2008 we want people to change their minds and have better mindsets. These ideas should be put into actions in order to achieve development in the country," he added.
